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             Table for One--Single Serving Recipes...

                                          and so much more!


Years ago when I first started housekeeping, I learned how to cook "on the fly."  As a fairly active kid growing up, my Mom--aka Wonder Woman, Pastor's Wife, Mother-of-the-Century, and full-time homemaker--did all the cooking and I was happy to let her! When I was in high school and took home economics class, I had some interest in cooking, (although sewing was my thang), but my eighteen-month-older-brother was making all the brownies and pizzas in our house, leaving me with the dishes! When he got married (VERY young), I thought I'd have my time in the kitchen and lo, and behold, my younger sister was baking breads and doing miraculous things with pots and pans!


So...I waited until I became a newlywed to learn to cook. That poor man!  I burned more food than we ever consumed and I have a few scars from bacon grease and a fairly spicy story to go along with it...don't worry, I'll spare you!  I also recall an incident with a toaster oven and taco shells setting off the fire alarm!  haha  But now that I'm all grown up (well, in years that is), and am "single again" following a divorce that I swear was not about my cooking, I'm playing around in the kitchen more than just basic "meat+potatoes+vegetable" dinners that I raised my two kids on. Those poor kids!  


Being "single again" brings on a whole new set of issues for cooking. Let’s face it, there are a lot of couples out there. Two by two by two. Wait, that's more than a couple. haha Ah hem....let's try that again...there are families—large and small. But let’s not forget us single people—some by choice and some, not so much. There are also people who find themselves gloriously “home alone” who don’t need a 5-gallon pot of chili beans for dinner! So, the need to cook for one brought on a lot of math issues (not my strong suit) and the need for a MUCH smaller casserole dish! Thus, Table for One--Single Serving Recipes was born out of necessity. Namely mine.


But seriously, JUST SAY, “NO!” TO MEALS IN MUGS!! Yuck. Whatever your circumstance, you should have delicious, pleasingly presented food options! Right?!? I mean, I’m offended by “meals in a mug” as much as “meals in a (slop) bucket” would be offensive to families, Colonel Sanders, notwithstanding. I want fresh, clean, made-to-order foods just like the next person! I like delicate, intricate recipes as well as simple or quick meals—but they’d better not be dumped into mugs!! Mugs are for dark, rich, black coffee--or herbal tea--or hot toddy's. Just sayin’!


I am so not ashamed to walk “solo” into a restaurant and proclaim, “Table for one!” But let’s face it—I usually end up in a corner, back by the noisy kitchen, or at the bar for dinner! Come on, I don’t want to get hit on!!—I just want to EAT! I enjoy a leisurely meal. I want to be immersed in a sea of people and I want to indulge in a savory or sweet, delectable cuisine to satisfy all my senses!

Don’t you?!?!


I also MAKE myself sit down and eat...maybe not always at a table, but definitely NOT standing at the kitchen sink! I like to use a lap tray. I have several large trays and I "set a pretty place setting" for most of my meals. So, get out the good dishes and linens and enjoy a great meal for one. YOU DESERVE IT!


Please peruse (cool word, right?) my recipes of healthier, fresher, cleaner foods that I love and enjoy--and that, in many instances, I grow myself!


Also included are other non-food "recipes" such as soaps and candles and how-tos for items I experiment with here on my blog. I have a plethera of useless information for the most part, but once in a while, I stumble across some pretty cool things to make and do!











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An urban gardener--growing a simple, healthy, creative life!




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