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Tips for a Happy Life

A Single Girl's "Rules to Live By":

Here's the thing...just because you are "single" or "single again," it's no excuse for slacking. You might not be thrilled about your lot in life, but you now need to seek contentment and fulfillment. Life is what you make of it, so here are a few tips for a happy life.

1. Don't frequent fast food drive-thru's. Cook--or learn to cook. Make what you like! It's cheaper and healthier. If you want to treat yourself occasionally by eating out, go to a nice restaurant and boldly proclaim, "Table for one!"

2. Never eat standing at the sink. Sit at the table. Or at least in your favorite chair in the living room with a pretty lap tray. Collect favorite mugs and unique plates and bowls to enjoy your favorite meals.

3. Never use paper plates. Paper plates are for picnics (my mother's advice). Always use cloth napkins too!

4. Keep a clean house. You've worked hard for what you have. Take care of it.

5. Be organized--"A place for everything, and everything in it's place." (My dear ole dad's advice.) If your house could be featured on the TV show, "Hoarders," it might be time to pare down on STUFF!

6. Take care of yourself. Give yourself a facial. Do yoga. And remember, bubble baths are required at least once a week. Take time to reflect and evaluate your life. Read a book. Enjoy a glass of wine.

7. Decide what you want to do with your life and GO FOR IT! Just do it.

8. Limit the number of stray cats you take in. People will talk. (Ha Ha)

9. You don't have to be around people 24/7. Being alone is not scary. Pursue the things you never had time for before. Take up a hobby, travel or volunteer for a fund-raiser or at a homeless shelter.

10.No pity parties. Well, maybe twice a week, but limit them to a 5-second rant and move on! Life is WAITING for you!

Last but not least, my all-time favorite advice from my grown kids:

From my son, every time he sees me: Always keep your car clean and your oil checked. Checking your oil is the cheapest way to prevent expensive problems.

From my daughter, soon after I became divorced: Always wear pretty underwear. If you feel pretty, you are pretty!

There's enough to be negative about in life. Look for the positives and accept advice from others who have been there or are pursuing their dreams. You can DO this!

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