top of page 2015 4x4 Square-Foot Garden

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This week the rain let up enough for me to finally get my garden in. I am so excited that I was able to add the cool grid that I think makes everything POP...the deep rich Mel's Mix, the green looks fabulous, don't you think?

The Mel's Mix is easy:

1/3 peat moss (or coconut coir fiber)

1/3 coarse vermiculite

1/3 blended compost (4-5 different types)

This garden season, I blended the following for my compost:

cow manure

mushroom compost

chicken poop (sorry)

worm castings

I also added crushed egg shells and coffee grinds.

Math is seriously not my thing, but here's how you calculate how much you'll need of each ingredient for a 4x4 square-foot garden:

Calculate the amount of square footage into cubic feet:

Determine the square footage: 4 ft. x 4 ft. = 16

Determine depth in inches: 8

Then multiply sq. ft. x depth: 16 x 8 = 128

Then divide by 27 to give you cubic feet: 128 ÷ 27 = 4.74 cubic feet mel’s mix “recipe”

4.74 ÷ 3 (for 1/3) = 1.58 cubic feet each above ingredient - so approximately 1.5 cubic feet of each

For compost, you'll need to buy small bags of manure, worm castings, etc. The total amount of compost should equal approximately 1.5 cubic feet.

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Before I put the mix in the raised bed, I line with with landscape fabric. On top of the fabric, I added thick brown paper lawn bags that I found at a local big box store. This just adds an extra barrier to weeds and also serves as a compostable item.

Once the mix is added into the bed, you can trim or tuck the fabric and staple or thumb-tack it to the sides of your bed.

I probably went a little overboard on the marigolds this year, but they deter bugs, squirrels and rabbits. I hate the smell of them, but they are pretty.


I will use the other large containers for potatoes and tomatoes. I like to put the cages upside down in containers so they look like topiaries.

Square Foot Garden Grid.jpg

This year, I ordered a grid from I think it really adds a lot and it helps you know where to plant.

You use every single inch of a square-foot garden!

Note my red "pickle buckets" used to mix the Mel's Mix and to store my hand tools. There's no need for a large bulky wheelbarrow!

I planted the vining plants along one edge so I can cage them later or add a trellis. You could get creative and add an old garden gate for a trellis.

I'm also thinking up a unique way to store my garden hose. I've thought about hanging a bucket sideways on a fence post and wrapping the hose around the bucket. I could store my garden gloves and hand tools inside the bucket! I'll also add some cute markers and signs.

Remember to water lightly in the evenings. The mix holds moisture well...and by watering in the evenings, not during the heat of the day, you'll have moist, fertile soil.

And there you have it! A 4x4 square-foot garden. You will be amazed how much produce you will get out of this small garden. There's nothing like having your own garden...

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