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Early Spring Plantings

Since my life is in "Limbo," I've become very creative as a "homeless" urban gardener--I mean, LOOK --> at my "raised bed! haha

Seriously, though, I've decided to grow sprouts in my brother's basement, since there's a great window on the south side with a fairly decent window sill.

My sister-in-law has a plant downstairs from my grandfather's funeral 19 YEARS AGO and "Papaw" still lives on in the light of that window, so I'm fairly certain he won't mind sharing the sunshine! Haha

I ordered a 4-tray seed sprouter from Amazon (see below for link) and picked up a couple packets of organic microgreen seeds at my local Lowe's in the garden section, but you can use a mason jar filled with a couple inches of water, covered with a screened lid. It doesn't have to be fancy to work.

I'm choosing a mixed variety of microgreens for sprouts, but you can grow alfalfa sprouts or bean sprouts to start. Bean sprouts remind me of an 8th grade science class experiment I did once. We had to document the affects of light and darkness on plant growth...and bean sprouts it was! I'm pretty sure I got an A. I mean who wouldn't know the outcome of that?!?

With all that "experience," I have a feeling this sprouting thing will be easy-peasy and I'll have my window sill filled up in no time!

Drop me a line if you decide to join me in sprouting up a little something for your salad or a nutrient-packed topping for an omelet, frittata or pizza! I'd love to share your stories.

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