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Recipes and so much more!

"Julia Childs" I am not...but I do like to cook!


Years ago when I first started housekeeping, I learned how to cook "on the fly". As a fairly active kid growing up, my Mom--aka Wonder Woman, Pastor's Wife, Mother-of-the-Century, and full-time homemaker--did all the cooking and I was happy to let her! When I was in high school and took home economics class, I had some interest in cooking, (although sewing was my thang), but my eighteen-month-older-brother was making all the brownies and pizzas in our house, leaving me with the dishes! When he got married (VERY young), I thought I'd have my time in the kitchen and lo, and behold, my little sister was baking breads and doing miraculous things with pots and pans!

So...I waited until I became a newlywed to learn to cook. That poor man! I burned more food than we ever consumed and I have a few scars from bacon grease and a fairly spicy story to go along with it...don't worry, I'll spare you! I also recall an incident with a toaster oven and taco shells setting off the fire alarm! haha But now that I'm all grown up (well, in years that is), and am "single again" following a divorce that I swear was not about my cooking, I'm playing around in the kitchen more than just basic "meat+potatoes+vegetable" dinners that I raised my two kids on. Those poor kids!

Please peruse (cool word, right?) this site often for recipes of healthier, fresher, cleaner foods that I love and enjoy--and I think you will enjoy too!. I've found special satisfaction growing most of the foods in my recipes myself! Also included, are other non-food recipes such as soaps and candles and how-tos for items I experiment with here on my blog. I'm a plethera of useless information for the most part, but once in a while, I stumble across some pretty cool things to make and do!

Photo: Turkey Meatballs in Homemade Italian Sauce (recipe to come)

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