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Tomato Cage Tree

My "Natural" Christmas Tree...

On this Friday after Thanksgiving, I thought I would use my free time and creativity to find a solution to the following: a) decorating my front porch for the Christmas Season, and b) storing my tomato cages for the winter.

First, I wanted to utilize as much height as possible, so I stacked the cages.


Using jute twine, I tied the prongs tightly at the top.


Then, I used a 9-foot piece of garland, since I don't have access to live pine tree branches. I added Christmas tree lights--just a single, 100-light strand.


Next, I opened up my grapevine--or, if you have your own grapevines, you can use the thinner vines, if you have wrapped and stored them like this:


I lifted it over the "tree" and gently pulled it down to naturally curl around. I liked the "wreath" look at the top, so I left it.


I added a few sprigs of dried Eucalyptus into the tree, all pointing in the same direction. And I added several sprigs to the top! It smells WONDERFUL!


I took two 25-foot strands of wired ribbon and about every 6-8 inches, I pinched them together and attached them by wrapping a pine strand around the center. I chose to make circles of ribbons around the trees, rather than a continuous strand, just because it was easier to handle. I would have liked to had more ribbon for the bow at the top, but I used what I had as you will see in photos to follow.


Lastly, I attached a few bird's nests, mini wreaths, and various galvanized buckets and watering cans. I'm playing around with a few garden marker ornaments and maybe a few seed packets secured by wooden clothes pins. It will evolve as I have more time!


It's just fun to choose a theme--in my case, a gardener's tree--that I decorated with more natural, homespun items. Oh, and once I get my other ornaments out to do my indoor tree, I'll add a few high-heels, just for fun!

Here's is my project as it is now! I'm anxious to put it on the porch and light it up tonight! I'll place it in a terra cotta pot and secure it so it won't blow away! Use your imagination to make a theme tree--a hobby tree, a new baby in the house tree, a recently graduated nurse tree, a cook's tree, a crafters tree, a child's tree, etc. The sky is the limit!


Tree by High-Heeled Gardener

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