Getting ready for a yard sale
What does a yard sale have to do with this gardening website/blog? Well, if you know me, you know that everything I do goes along with creating a life I love. I love to garden, cook, create, and enjoy life to the fullest. And the fact of the matter is, if I'm organized at home, I'm a happier person.
What I've realized lately is that since I've been "single again" I've collected THINGS to fill a void. There. I said it. I'm not a hoarder, but I do have trouble getting rid of some things. I think "one day" I might need this or that. The truth is, when your things take over your life, they make your house more cluttered, your space smaller, and your mind isn't free to create or relax.
So, I'm getting ready for a yard sale. I live in a duplex in a small town and I'm not sure I'll get much drive-by traffic, so I'll need to advertise. Social media is a great place to start!
Before I advertise, though, I've got to get ready by culling through everything...I mean, EVERYTHING. Nothing is exempt. It's time. Living on your own you might be tempted to feel, "If I get rid of this, I can never replace it." I guess that shows my insecurity of making it on my own, but I have to be honest.
So, I'm doing it. And sharing my tips with you! Here I go...
First, I found two large cardboard boxes. One is "Sell/Donate" and one is "Toss." I plan to try to fill them several times over. If I can't sell it, I'll donate it...otherwise I will make all this effort for nothing. My toss pile will be things that aren't worth selling or sharing, like things stuffed in drawers (papers and junk) or things that are just worn out or broken.
It's high time for me to get this project started AND finished. High. Time.
So, let's get started!!
Since I do a lot of self-talk living alone anyway (haha), I'm asking myself some very pointed questions:​
A) Do I love it?
Some things make me happy. They remind me of a great moment or fun memory. Those things are keepers. But, just like our decor, they change over time. I will re-evaluate the things I "love" often...and maybe replace them with things I "love more!"
B) Is is useful or does it make my life better?
If it doesn't make things quicker, easier, or serve a purpose, toss it.
C) Do I need it? Do I use it?
If you don't use it, lose it. Period.
D) How often do I use it? Could I borrow it when I need it?
If you only use it once in a great while, is it really worth the valuable space it takes to store it? Of course, there are seasonal items, holiday items, but even those need to be evaluated. Think about borrowing something you only use once or twice a year.
E) Could I buy it again later?
This might be silly, but sometimes you can get rid of something and replace it for a song later (or even borrow it) if you really need it. I always shop consignment shops, yard sales, and online.
F) Is it out of style? Is it too small or too large?
This question not only applies to clothing, but decorative items in your home...and even pieces of furniture! If it's not making you happy or serving a purpose, get rid of it!
G) Am I emotionally attached to it? Does it have sentimental value to me?
Will I regret getting rid of it?
Have I used it, worn it, touched it in the last six months, or year?
Once you've answered these tough (really tough) questions, or at least one or two of these questions HONESTLY...and that's the tricky be HONEST, then you're ready to think about how you will display them in your yard sale.
Get two to three tables or make-shift tables for your items. I don't even touch things I see thrown on the ground. I guess I have yard sale standards. Haha!
If something is on a table I would look, touch, and BUY. So I will find ways to put things on some sort of surface that is waist-high. Even a porch works. Or the back of your car or truck.
But wait...what?!?...
August 28, 2015
When I started the draft for this post, I was in the early stages of PLANNING a move to South Carolina, closer to my family and granddaughter. I needed to have a yard sale either way, but things started happening fast!
Once that moving ball got rolling, I actually had time-constraints associated with my "yard sale," so I chose to sell ONLINE! I found a community online yardsale page on FACEBOOK and sold almost EVERYTHING I needed to move before I moved!! It only took two weeks time or less, while I was packing and preparing to move, to sell what I needed to sell, Including my beloved Jeep with the (sad face) blown engine!!
I posted photos on the page along with my asking price. I sold to the first person who showed up with their cold hard cash in their hot little hand! I gave them directions to my house and THEY hauled it out of my duplex. I told them ahead of time to bring help (if loading furniture or large item). Easy peazy!!
I made a cool, easy $1200 that paid for my truck, my gas, my travel expenses, etc. for my move. I highly recommend this method. You don't have to drag anything out into the yard, you don't have to spend a whole day out in the hot sun, hoping to sell. You have a line of buyers with cash in hand. They do try to bargain with you, which is kind of fun, so have your bottom dollar in mind when you price it. I'm a happy resident of the great state of South Carolina, living the life of "Mimi" and loving every minute of it!
I have a beautiful upstairs condo - slash - apartment in a quiet neighborhood close to everything this big city has to offer.
I'm still learning my way around, but I've found community raised-bed gardens, a weekly farmers market, and, of course, I am getting connected with art galleries and the local museum of art.
There are rivers everywhere for kayaking and large lakes nearby. Best of all, the beach is only 90 minutes away! What's not to love??
I also have a beautiful swimming pool to enjoy with my family on the weekends!
I couldn't bring my square-foot garden, but I did bring several containers of herbs, tomato plants, etc. I'll have a new plan for next Spring, so stay tuned! The gardening wheels are already turning.
I love my Colonial style building and the large, covered front porch. We are surrounded by tall trees so every window I look out of, I see trees--it feels like I live in a tree house!!
I still get to enjoy my herbs and the act of watering each morning gets my day started off right. I'm also in charge of watering the plants and flowers at work, so I feel connected to my new gardening roll here.
There's still a lot going on--I have a few boxes left to unpack and have to keep finding creative storage ideas.
I have a condo share here in my new city, but my roommate is only in town on some weekends, so basically I'm rooming with her furniture (haha), but we both have lots of furniture and lots of "stuff!" We enjoy dinners out and movie nights when she is here and we both respect each other's space. It's working out great!
Best of luck with your upcoming yard sale! Whatever method you go with, be organized with a great plan and enjoy the process of eliminating clutter from your life!